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A spirit that is not afraid

Letter to the editor: Alabamians are behind the curve on change

In Alabama, we live inside a bell jar.

Romney/Ryan signs decorate the back windshields of cars and yards across the state. Preachers in the most rural areas raise their voices in opposition to Obama and praise Romney, even if he is a Mormon.

The entire Greek system at Auburn gladly showed their support for Romney with their "Greeks for Romney/Ryan" and "Raised Right" t-shirts, smirking smugly when they talk about how Romney is a "businessman" just like their fathers and grandfathers.

How could Romney possibly lose? Fox News showed him winning a landslide.

Unfortunately, reality painted a different picture. My mother told me to never give up on my dreams, but I think Auburn's Republican population should.

No amount of thinly-veiled racist Facebook status updates and Tweets will change the fact that Barack Obama was re-elected as president on Tuesday, Nov 6. Reality doesn't have a "liberal bias." Romney was always losing. You can't polarize 47 percent of the population (which, ironically enough, is the percent of the vote Romney won) as being lazy and entitled and run a platform on preserving "traditional" marriage and setting back women's rights by taking away the right to choose and redefining what rape really is.

Obama's campaign slogan of "Forward" really makes sense when you take the time to think about it. We live in a society where four states just voted to allow gay marriage, the first openly LGBT senators were elected, and women will not allow out-of-touch men in Washington to tell them what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.

This country--no, this world--is moving forward and the only thing you can do is accept it and concede with as much grace as your Mitt Romney did.

Stop complaining. Stop disgracing this University and our creed with your racist comments. Stop refusing to accept the fact the world is changing and embrace it.

Reed Dudley



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