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A spirit that is not afraid


Juneteenth Graphic

COLUMN | The history and importance of Juneteenth

As of June 16, 2021, Juneteenth was established as a federal holiday, one of 11 recognized nationally. Originally celebrated on June 19, 1866, in Texas to mark the date that enslaved people learned of the Emancipation Proclamation, Juneteenth should be observed as a major date in our history to commemorate the freedom of those enslaved. 

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EDITORIAL | Navigating the DEI bill

Over one month since AL legislation passed the “DEI bill” on March 20, there is still an abundance of uncertainty in the university’s next steps to abide by the legislation going into effect on Oct. 1. SB-129, is bringing Auburn backwards in advancement of diversity, and the unanswered questions and implications coming from this legislation are concerning. 

Personal Finance Editorial

EDITORIAL | Opt in for a personal finance class

In order to fulfill the goals of Auburn's mission statement, students should be coming out of the university as well-rounded individuals. While being well-rounded can vary person-to-person, we suggest that students make an effort to educate themselves in personal finance through Auburn's personal finance course.