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A spirit that is not afraid

March for Bernie to be held at Pebble Hill on Jan. 23

With the primaries approaching, the presidential campaigns are gearing up to win votes across the country. Bernie Sanders' Auburn and Opelika supporters will be holding a March for Bernie on Jan. 23 beginning at 3 p.m. at Pebble Hill. 

The event already has more than 60 students and community supporters signed up for the march in Auburn. 

SueAnne Griffith, senior in wireless software engineering and computer engineering, is one of the coordinators for the march. Griffith got involved with the political campaign through a friend and has been going to the meetings ever since. She said she has enjoyed her time working with the campaign and contributing to the group's focus on the importance of voting and understanding the issues. 

According to Griffith, there are typically about 20-30 students and community members attending the Sanders support meetings. In all, there are about 200 community supporters who follow the campaign online. 

Griffith said the main goal of the march is to inform the community on Sanders' platform and show support for his campaign. Encouraging the community to vote by handing out registration forms and inspiring students to be aware of the issues is a primary reason for the event. 

Alongside the Auburn students and community members, Jesse Smith, a congressional candidate for the 3rd District, is standing with Sanders through his race to the White House. Smith ran in 2014 with a similar platform focused on issues such as raising the minimum wage, rebuilding the country's crumbling infrastructure and eliminating student loan debt. 

Smith met with Auburn supporters, and the group said it was time to start a "revolution" in Alabama. Smith said he feels that for every candidate to get a fair shot, the public has to be involved in the political process. Smith encourages the people of Auburn and the surrounding areas to come out to the march. 

"It doesn't take money to win an election," Smith said. "Those that involve themselves in the political process are the ones that will go to the poles and pull the lever. Not political signs, nor political contributions. We want to show that by uniting this Saturday under a common goal."

Smith is looking forward to spending his Saturday in Auburn, supporting a candidate that he stands behind. 

There will be an after-party in the following the march at approximately 4:45 p.m. in Student Center Room 2326 to watch Sanders' publicized address. The public is welcomed and encouraged to join both the march and the after-party. 

"Everyone should come to the event, even if only for a little bit," Griffith said. "It will be a great opportunity to learn more about the candidates and get involved with the community in a different way." 

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