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Keeping downtown Opelika beautiful

Opelika's Historic Preservation Committee works to maintain downtown's buildings and landscaping. (Christen Harned / ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR)
Opelika's Historic Preservation Committee works to maintain downtown's buildings and landscaping. (Christen Harned / ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR)

Downtown Opelika doesn't retain its history and beauty simply by chance.

The Historic Preservation Commission was formed by the City of Opelika to support the historical, cultural and artistic heritage of the city.

"The commission works very hard to keep downtown looking good," said Lisa Harrelson, Opelika community development administrator.

Any changes a business or individual desires to make to a building downtown must be approved by the commission before work can commence.

"They try to keep things in the time frame of the buildings," Harrelson said.

The commission works to maintain a historic look in signs, awnings, doors and the area's landscaping. They particularly keep neon or fluorescent signs out of the area.

The commission recently requested a grant which will provide all of the downtown buildings funding to preserve their historic qualities.

Along with the upgrades, Pam Powers-Smith, director of main street, will continue working to bring new businesses and events to downtown Opelika.

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