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A spirit that is not afraid

Comment sections are out of control

Looking at reader comments on any news story posted online is not for the faint of heart. You just never know what you're going to get.

If the story is a fluff piece without any relevance to politics or breaking news, you can usually get a few laughs from the snarkier comment writers, and I've seen comments that were actually better formed and more thoughtful than the actual article.

When the stories enter the realm of politics, however, things get a little more serious. Or maybe the word I'm thinking of here is "ridiculous."

With many of the comments it is painfully obvious the writer does not know what they are talking about and have commented only to show their support of a political party. It happens on both sides, and usually these people have no knowledge of the actual issue being discussed.

Many comment writers have become professional skeptics. A standard reply I've seen to any well-thought-out argument, citing other articles or even books, has even included skepticism regarding the value of reading.

"You can't believe everything you read," a commenter might state. "Because you are naive enough to buy into this 'reading' thing you have lost any credibility you might have had with me."

Not every comment that cites a book or article is true, but anyone who responds to that comment should have actual information that debunks the writer's claims, instead of just lashing out at something they don't agree with.

It's important for people to discuss things and come to a general consensus based on factual information. It is hard to have your beliefs called into question on any issue, but a reactionary response will only hurt your cause and completely sap away any hope of a positive conclusion.

The time we spend taking jabs at one another on the Internet could be spent much more productively. If we're going to waste so much time arguing with each other we should do it with a goal of reaching a satisfying and productive compromise.

We are at war with each other ideologically, but all we are doing is cutting down our own men with potshots and malicious language. Almost everyone who writes in these comment sections wants this country and its people to succeed.

We should focus on what we all have in common and truly discuss the issues without relying on broad accusations and weak, anonymous insults.

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