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A spirit that is not afraid

Her view: Ways to stay sane during an insane week

I think it’s safe to say that around this time of the year during finals, students get crazy. So, I will provide a seven guideline list one can abide by during finals week to maintain sanity. Here we go.
1. Don’t procrastinate.
Contrary to popular belief, procrastination is not the key to success. Crazy, right? The term commonly used, “due tomorrow=do tomorrow” is probably not the safest route, and speaking from personal experience it will cause even more unwanted stress. Though it seems like a nuisance and sometimes can be overwhelming, it might be a smart idea to begin outlining and studying once you get the material for the exam.
2. Plan ahead.
After making a list of your exam schedule, map out days to study and what to study on those days. It’s important to make a plan and stick with it. This will avoid any uninvited surprises, and you’ll know what is coming and when it’s coming.
3. Have some down time and hang out with friends.
Although it seems nearly impossible to take a break during finals week, it’s crucial to give your brain a rest. So, at the appropriate time, put down the books and release some bottled up energy. Some people like to work out and some like to go to the movies. Whatever suits your fancy, just give the noggin a couple hours off to re-charge.
4. Breathe.
Sometimes when we get stressed, we forget that we actually have to breathe to survive. If you feel a potential anxiety attack approaching, take a step back, re-evaluate, and breathe. In through the nose and out through the mouth. It does more than you think.
5. Sleep and eat.
I know everyone operates differently, but for the most part I think everyone needs sleep. Teachers always say that all-nighters are not beneficial. Well, I think there may be some truth in that. In order for you to think properly, sleep is imperative. Along with sleeping, remember to eat adequate meals to support the brain and body during these trying times and to keep them functioning.
6. Be realistic.
Understand that perfection is not possible. Don’t be too hard on yourself and try to have realistic goals. If you need a 150% on the final to make an ‘A’ in the class, understand that probably won’t happen (sad face). Don’t beat yourself up and dwell on it because remember that a ‘B’ is still considered above average.
7. Try to put things into perspective.
This week may seem like one that is undoable, insurmountable, and may even make you uneasy, BUT there is in fact a light at the end of the tunnel and it will be over. This is one week out of your entire life that you have to give school everything you have, so do just that.
Sometimes I forget these things myself, so I go back to the list and remind myself and all sanity is returned.
For best results, you could cut this out, put it on your bulletin board in your room, include it in your daily affirmations, or I don’t know, maybe even frame it.
Good luck though guys, we got this.

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