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End of the school year party foods

As the final weeks of the school year rapidly approach, parties come into full swing. Festivities taking place include graduation parties, barbecues and get-togethers. 

Whatever the event, food is a central aspect. So if you are beginning to plan a party, here are some food ideas that you can keep in mind.

For any spring or summertime party, the traditional barbecue food is a go-to. This includes burgers, hot dogs, chicken kebabs, mac and cheese, and potato salad.

Miniature sandwiches and tasty bites are another food option for light meals. You can have sandwich trays with pimento cheese sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches and ham or turkey sandwiches.

You can prepare an appetizer spread of many types of chips and dip, including guacamole and salsa, onion dip, artichoke and spinach dip, cilantro dip and blue cheese dip.

Also, you can not go wrong with a solid snack bar with a variety of tasty selections such as nachos, chips, trail mix and chocolate candy.

For dessert, ice cream sundaes, ice cream sandwiches and popsicles top off any meal and make the warm weather much more tolerable. 

You can even get creative with your party theme by decorating cupcakes, cookies, cookie cakes, pudding cups or chocolate covered strawberries and bananas with icing, sprinkles and other edible toppings.

It is nice to have food options for those who are vegetarian, vegan or just trying to eat healthier. 

By having fruit and vegetable platters, you not only provide healthy options, but you also give a splendor of color on the food table. In addition to main course meals with meat, you can provide meatless options such as eggplant burgers and salad tacos. 

Rather than traditional chip brands, you can have sweet potato chips with cilantro dip and homemade potato chips with sun-dried tomato hummus.

For drinks, presentation, creativity and variety are key. While bottled water, sodas and tea are a must have, if you have time, get inventive or get inspiration from others. 

Use a watermelon as a punch bowl, soak fruit in water overnight or create your own lemonade or fruit smoothie. 

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