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A spirit that is not afraid

University webcams provide a view onto campus

An Auburn fan wants to see Toomer’s Corner after a big game but couldn’t make it to town that weekend. An alumnus is curious to see how their alma mater has changed but has moved too far away to visit. A parent wonders what the weather looks like on campus but doesn’t want to go all the way there to check.

In the past, this would be an unsolvable problem. Since 2008, though, those wanting to get a glimpse of Auburn can do so by looking through the lens of one of 11 webcams situated across the University.

Set up and maintained by the University’s Office of Communications and Marketing, the webcams provide wide views of locations from the Thatch Concourse to Cater Lawn and even Samford Park.

“They are windows to campus for alumni who miss their alma mater and a way for parents to somehow connect with their students while they are away at college,” said John Walker, multimedia specialist for the Office of Communications and Marketing. “They give members of the Auburn Family the opportunity to see what is happening on campus in real time.”

In addition to the webcams that look over popular locations on campus, there are also ones that give viewers 24/7 access to the many construction projects on campus.

The city has their own cameras too

“People enjoy watching progress of a growing campus, so we typically put a camera on new construction projects until they are completed,” Walker said. “We hear from members of the Auburn Family that they can’t live without them.”

The webcams provide broad views, set at high angles in order to get as much as possible in the frame. This, however, has not stopped the Auburn Family from getting interactive.

“We’ve had at least one marriage proposal and countless people holding signs saying hello or happy birthday to friends and family,” Walker said. “One parent told us she looks at them every day, just to see what kind of weather her daughter is having here in Auburn. We are happy to provide a vehicle to connect people to one another.”

The webcam feeds can be found at

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