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Auburn University now offers booster shots to eligible individuals

<p>The FDA-approved Pfizer booster shot is now available to eligible citizens through Auburn Univeristy.</p>

The FDA-approved Pfizer booster shot is now available to eligible citizens through Auburn Univeristy.

Auburn has recently rolled out a new Covid-19 booster shot following the recent FDA approval of a third dose. 

Currently, Pfizer is the only approved vaccine, though a Moderna booster is on track to be approved by the FDA shortly. 

Last week, the Univeristy sent out an email stating that a third dose will be available for eligible individuals. Those who are either 65 and older, have preexisting health conditions or are at high risk for Covid are entitled to a booster shot. However, participants must have received their second dose at least six months prior to receiving a booster. 

Joseph Giambrone, professor emeritus in Auburn University’s Department of Poultry Science, has done research throughout his career on the control of devastating viral poultry diseases. In the last year he has written several articles on what he has learned about the Covid-19 virus.

"In the next couple months it should be open to everyone, but right now there isn't a need for a third vaccination if you don't have preexisting conditions, aren't above 65 and you are within that 6 month period from your 2nd dose," Giambrone said.

Many have asked about the differences between the Pfizer and Moderna booster shots and if they can be mixed. 

"[The] Pfizer booster is the same as the last 2 doses but for the Moderna booster they said that it is half a dose," Giambrone said. "They are currently suggesting that you don't mix and match."

As the Univeristy continues to offer testing to students, cases have remarkably been on the decline. 

"Most students get tested when they are sick and recently there has been a lot less sick students who tested positive for Covid and instead had colds and other things," Giambrone said.

Giambrone also said there is a possibility that the vaccination companies are working to roll out a vaccine that is a combined flu shot and Covid booster shot in the near future. This would make it easier for individuals to get protected from both viruses without having to get two shots.  

"I think the delta variant is fading out but we can not take down our guard because another strain could come up," Giambrone said.

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