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A spirit that is not afraid

AUHC Kicks Off First Meeting of the Year

Ashlea Draa/ Assistant Photo Editor
Ashlea Draa/ Assistant Photo Editor

The Auburn University Horseman's Club kicked things off last Thursday with the Round Up Kick Off CookOut.

The cookout featured Auburn equestrian Head Coach Greg Williams and was meant to encourage students to come out and get to know the club better.

About 50 students showed up for the club's first meeting and were excited about the upcoming schedule that was announced.

There were T-shirts, flyers, membership forms and great barbeque provided by Williams.

The members played games and watched slideshows of past memories and had fun getting to know each other and Williams.

"We had a blast with our new prospective members," said Hayley Dickinson, president of AUHC. "We threw horseshoes, had balloon barrel races and went over our ideas for this semester and what we had planned for the club."

The club will be working together with the equestrian team this year, going on trips and supporting each other.

"Having support makes all the difference," Williams said. "When our kids are at home and there is a big crowd supporting them, they always do better because they know they are home and that gives them extra confidence."

Along with supporting the equestrian team, AUHC will also go on trail rides together to bond with each other as well as with the horses if everything goes according to plan.

Williams has always been a close member of the club ever since he started it in 1989.

According to Williams, the success of the club will rely on the students and their enthusiasm.

Both Dickinson and Williams emphasize that students do not need to have a horse to participate and learn more about the animal.

"It is great that there is the opportunity for students to go out and have fun with horses because many do not have the money to transport their trailer and horse from home," Williams said.

Members of the club will also be involved in service projects, fund raisers, volunteer work, trips and other activities.

AUHC will meet the second and fourth of every month in Upchurch Hall in Room 203 on Mell Street.

Each week there will be a guest speaker who will be there to discuss wound care and more.

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