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Efficient Energy Evolves 'Easily'

Turn the light bulbs on during class, but keep them off at home. Using energy wisely will reduce the cost of an electric bill as well as conserve resources.

Compact fluorescent light bulbs are one of the most recent energy-efficient products on the market that lasts up to 10 years longer than a regular light bulb.

"Fluorescent lights now come in almost every shape and size," said Bruce Crain, department head of electrical and lighting. "You can change out all of your light bulbs in your house. They are about a quarter of the cost of regular light bulbs and they last much longer."

He said it is lucky to get one year out of a regular light bulb, and now with CFL bulbs, they can last approximately five to 11 years.

"Be sure to unplug appliances not in use, they are still pulling power even if they are not in use," said Griff Nelson, marketing representative of Alabama Power. "There are many items to consider."

According to Auburn Sustainability Web site tips, students should unplug appliances when they are not in use. Current is drawn from appliances even while they're off. Install power strips in places where lots of things are plugged.

Taking a few extra minutes a day can pay off when the power bill comes in at the end of the month by doing simple things as well.

"The best and most economical way to save energy is through conservation, that is, just using less energy," said Lindy Biggs, director of sustainability. "It's really easy to do, as simple as turning off lights when you're not in a room, turning off your computer when you're finished with it for the day."

Eighty percent of an energy bill can be decreased by cutting back on the heat.

"The two largest things in your home that will cause your bill to be high or low are related to heat and water heat," Nelson said. "Generally, your space heating will be the majority of the bill, about 60 percent. The water heat is probably about 20 percent."

He said to reduce the activity of a space heater, seal the windows of a house to keep the heat inside. Use things as simple as plastic for insulation and installing storm windows to trap heat.

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