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Campus Special offers internships

There is more to Campus Special than the $100 bill coupon books its representative hand out at the semester's beginning.

Unlike other nine-to-five business internships, Campus Special business internships offered to Auburn students, insists its program is the best.

"This internship is different from all other internship programs because you aren't assigned to file any paperwork, fetch coffee, sit in cubicles or handle any clerical tasks," said Jennifer Gress, account manager and campus recruiter for Campus Special. "Our interns get real-world, hands-on experience in the business world."

Gress said that hands-on experience is valuable to employers in today's competitive job market.

"Students will work one-on-one with business owners in Auburn, running sales meetings and negotiating deals," Gress said. "Students also get to be in charge of their account management, handling their account receivables, and they help business owners decide what deals would be effective for their business."

Gress also said interns are not tied down to specific businesses they must work with.

"The specific businesses that they visit is up to the students, as they know best which businesses are favorites for students there," Gress said.

Brandon Evans, senior in marketing, was a Campus Special intern.

Students' experiences in Campus Special program give them more confidence for their future careers after college.

"I was definitely able to learn what it truly means to be a professional in the business world," said Brandon Evans, senior in marketing. "The internship enabled me to gain valuable experience in all aspects of consultative sales, marketing, mastering new product information and communications."

Along with the experience provided by Campus Special internships, the organization also has a Career Partners Network to help interns land full-time jobs after graduation with companies like AT&T, Coca-Cola, Eli Lilly and Northwestern Mutual.

"Over 50 prestigious companies have partnered with us because they look to hire our previous interns due to the hands-on experience and knowledge that they receive," Gress said.

Evans said interns will be transformed from typical students into young professionals.

"Not only will you have the opportunity to determine how much money you make throughout the summer," he said, "but will more importantly you'll be able to build your resume with the quantitative data that employers are looking for."

Campus Special is now accepting applications looking for well-rounded Auburn students.

"We look for students who are outgoing, social, hardworking and disciplined," Gress said. "We are open to students of all majors, but do find that a majority are business, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, advertising, sales, public relations, communications or finance majors."

Campus Special has proven to accelerate any determined student into the career of their dreams.

"Interning with the Campus Special has put me on the fast track to having a successful career," Evans said. "It has been instrumental in not only attracting employers and obtaining interviews, but also being able to impress them by displaying the skills I was able to obtain through the internship."

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