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A spirit that is not afraid

Large crowd expected for spring's first Open Mic Night

UPC presents Open Mic Night at the Starbucks in the Student Center on Thursday at 7 p.m.

UPC expects the crowd to be more than 100 people, after last year's crowd reached high into the double digits.

"We usually have a good turn out each open mic night," said Brandon Whitman, junior in industrial engineering and tech director for UPC events.

Any student is allowed to perform. Talents vary from stand-up comedy to singing and dancing to reading poetry.

Whitman expects a decent number of performers for this particular Open Mic Night.

"There will probably be between 15 to 20 performers," Whitman said. "Last time we had over 20, but it varies on the night."

Open Mic Night has been successful in the past as well, said Whitman.

"We're almost considering moving out of Starbuck's because it gets so crowded," he said.

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