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A spirit that is not afraid

Get involved while you still can

I hate to remind you, but you only have about four years of "free" time before your future career. Make the most of it.

This may seem understood, but it's too easy to get caught up in preparing for your career. Although that may be the most important, don't forget about the things you love to do outside your major.

The beauty of attending a large University like Auburn means there are ample things to do that might interest you, most of them not costing you anything but some extra time.

For example, if you love music, try your hand at spinning your own radio show. WEGL opens its doors to all students who love their music and want to spread it throughout Auburn's airwaves.

Ever read your "This Week at AU" emails? They're filled with significant happenings around campus, from upcoming speakers to UPC and athletic events.

There are generous amounts of extracurricular clubs on campus too, like the hovercraft team, formula SAE racingteam, unmanned aerial vehicles club, and intramurals like the ice hockey team, badminton club, and ultimate frisbee team.

And of course, if you enjoy writing, try volunteering for the Plainsman. Our staff consists of several different majors, not just journalism. If you want your voice to be heard among your fellow students, write a guest column for this Opinions page.

The people you may meet outside your major could end up leading you into something that may further your future career. I've met some of the most interesting people through interviewing for the Plainsman. Never underestimate who you will meet while participating in the things you love to do.

For example, volunteer through IMPACT, Boys and Girls Club, Best Buddies and Project Uplift to make a difference in the community while you're in school. International Student Organization frequently has dinners and activities, and you don't have to be from outside the country to attend and learn about new cultures.

Whatever it is you love to do, take some extra time to do it. Enjoy your time here, and make your mark doing it.

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