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A spirit that is not afraid

Editorial: The presidential hustle

(Rachel Suhs / DESIGN EDITOR)
(Rachel Suhs / DESIGN EDITOR)

The presidential election is less than a month away, which means it's time for the candidates to get serious.

How do presidential candidates get serious? They have debates.

Throughout the past year, they have been taking cheap shots at each other through attack ads and campaign speeches, but now they get the chance to meet face to face. It will be a match of wits and political rhetoric. Two men enter; one man leaves.

Two more presidential debates will happen during the next three weeks, and we're already teeming with boredom .

Don't get us wrong, we definitely care who wins -- a lot is at stake this time around. The economy is down, unemployment is up, Honey Boo-Boo has a TV show and our national mood is somewhere between bummed-out and clinically depressed.

Yet, we can't help but roll our eyes at the idea of two political automatons repeating the same tired catch phrases. Even if you believe in everything they say, it's all just a bit repetitive and artificial.

President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney couldn't be any more different, but all their pandering is starting to sound the same. We could really use some candor and a fresh point of view , which are two things in short supply during an election year. If only they weren't so focused on their media presence and could have an actual, intelligent debate on the issues that matter most.

Because this editorial goes to print before the first debate, we can only speculate on the amount of mundane drivel they will lay on the public. We hope that maybe Obama will break character and let the world know how tired he is being called a Muslim socialist. Maybe Romney will say he is tired of being called a non-feeling aristocrat.

Although, all we can really hope for is a some chuckle-worthy gaffes.

America seems to be more divided than ever right now. Conservatives and liberals are turning their arbitrary political labels into an excuse for hatred.

We need to drastically change our political process by shunning those politicians who wish to stick to the old script of rhetoric and embracing those who talk about legitimate issues. \0x1DThat won't happen with this election, but we can start the ball rolling now. Vote for whichever candidate you want to, but don't think they will ever be honest with you.

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