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A spirit that is not afraid

Letter to the Editor: Plainsman's views on smoking misguided

The Plainsman's unfortunate and misinformed editorial last week referring to the recently implemented smoking ban as "prejudice" shows the editorial board's dearth of scientific knowledge related to tobacco associated illness.
Although it would take well more than 300 words to sort out the misinformation and false allegations promulgated by the article, I will attempt to correct several pieces of fallacious information in this letter to the editor.
First, the assertion that the measure"was instituted through non-democratic means" is simply false. As a member of the SGA Senate, I can personally attest to the polling conducted among students which demonstrated an overwhelming support of the ban.
Additionally, all four governing bodies--Auburn University Faculty Senate, SGA Senate and A&P Council and the Staff Council--passed a resolution in favor of a smoking ban.
Smokers' concerns were taken into consideration and their opinions were considered.
Secondly, the editorial claims that the smoke-free campus is an "affront" to any Auburn Family member who smokes.
I take offense to that claim because while each and every person of a legal age possesses the right to smoke, non-smokers possess a greater right to walk to and from class without inhaling a mouthful of carcinogen filled smoke.
According to the CDC, secondhand smoke exposure causes an estimated 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 46,000 heart disease deaths annually among adult nonsmokers in the United States.
Let's ensure Auburn Family members can live long, meaningful lives without the extremely horrible side-effects of secondhand smoke.
Today, nearly 1,182 campuses nationwide have banned smoking on campuses and we can expect that number to grow.
Auburn's decision to join the movement demonstrates that we're committed to ensuring the health and well-being of our students, faculty, and campus visitors.

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