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Internet streaming services take over

Netflix subscriptions, like iPhones, are quickly becoming standard for the majority of our generation and making other methods of entertainment seem outdated.
The question, "Do you have a phone charger?" is answered, followed by "Four or five?" instead of with any inquiry of the make or model of phone you have.
It's the same with movies and TV shows. Students assume if you have a TV, Netflix is an option, and it is automatically factored into entertainment possibilities for the night.
Josh Reebals, senior in sociology, doesn't have cable at his apartment anymore.
"I don't really miss cable," Reebals said. "I can watch all the shows I want, when I want, and without commercials. The only thing I miss about cable is sports coverage. I've been a little out of the loop."
His favorite show is How I Met Your Mother, which he watches religiously, going through seven seasons in a matter of a few weeks. He also watches Orange is the New Black, a Netflix original program, and Arrested Development.
"There's always something I could watch that I'd like," Reebals said. "I've never turned off Netflix because nothing was on, which is a good thing and a bad thing."
Netflix competes with Hulu Plus, iTunes and Amazon Prime for customers, but it is popular among Auburn students.
"I have Netflix, and I use it most of the time for movies and to watch Power Rangers if I'm feeling nostalgic," said Jordan Rice, senior in physical activity and health. "But I also have Hulu Plus to watch shows close to their TV release date."
Rice's favorite shows are New Girl and How I Met Your Mother.
Netflix is becoming the standard, but not everyone is making the switch so wholeheartedly. Wilson Wingo, senior in mechanical engineering, prefers going to the movies over Netflix.
"There's a whole social thing. Candy and popcorn and the sound of other people in the theater that you miss out on when you watch movies at home," Wingo said. "I'd rather be in the theater, but I don't make it to movies as much as I'd like."
For people who do regularly watch Netflix, some other popular shows are Bob's Burgers, Dexter and House of Cards; and there is always a steady supply of good movies.
Like the gradual switch from VHS to DVD, Netflix and other Internet streaming services are overshadowing DVDs and have made movie rental stores nearly obsolete.

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