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A spirit that is not afraid

OPINION: Motivation for the lackadaisical version of me

Personally, I just want to have a childlike wonderment about the world I live in, but maybe I need to love more things for that to happen.
Who knows? I'm young, I don't know everything, but I don't mind giving things a try.
I ate seeweed for the first time the other day.
It was OK, but I don't love it, so I probably won't go out of my way to eat it again. But at least now I can say that.
And, thankfully, I came to that realization immediately and won't have to go around for years wondering whether or not I love it.
Having goals and doing what you love should go hand-in-hand. Not too long ago, I was doing something that I didn't love.
I was a freshman working to major in something that I thought I could do based on what other people said I was good at, which sent me into a cave of doubt, then self reflection.
It was comforting to look back at my childhood because I felt so carelessly happy with everything leading me to become lackadaisical as a young adult.
But, from that realization, I found what I love and cherish to this very day, which wasn't much, but at least I know that I need to focus on that so much more from now on.
For me, it's peace, creativity and progress.
I know that seems broad, but at least I started the journey to find out who I really am because I did something that was hard. I realized that I wasn't who I wanted to be.
When I was a kid, it seemed like everything would just work out in the end thanks to my mom and dad, but these days, I'm just not sure.
I've seen people work hoping to make enough money to chase their dreams only to get a stupid driving ticket that sets them back a few months.
I have a friend who wants a camera, but his bills outweigh his paycheck, leaving him with just enough to get by. It kills me to see that because I look up to him.
The discussion I always bring up with him is to do what he loves instead of working a job that doesn't pay well, or even make him happy.
He is at an age where he still needs to have hope and assurance that he can change the world, which I think he can if he puts his effort into it.
Truthfully, I think everyone is changing the world one-way or another, whether they know it or not.
My friend is changing the world doing something that makes his goals and self-esteem worse, and you could say that is a selfless way of life, but he can do so much better.
For some reason, I feel like a lot of people can relate to stories like this on a personal level, and I think the reason is because the world has taken a sharp turn for the worst, or maybe it's because we're all getting older.
The older I get the more reality sets in, and right now, reality for me is minimum wage work, unpaid internships, and school work. To sum it up, Ramen noodles every night.
There seems to be no time for relaxing, and when there is, anxiety quietly tickles me out of my enjoyment.
Luckily for me, I am working toward doing the things that I love and hoping everything comes together soon.
So, to my friend, I hope that you are true to yourself and start doing what you love, because I know that it will help you to reach your goals.

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