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A spirit that is not afraid

Auburn grad finds her fate in New York fashion world

Despite earning a degree in radio, TV and film, Auburn graduate Amy Whittemore has made a name for herself in fashion. Now director of fashion for luxury brand Valentina Kova, Whittemore is climbing up the New York fashion industry ladder at only 24. Whittemore spoke with The Plainsman about her work.
CS: How did you get started in the fashion industry?
AW: I was a radio, TV and film major, with a minor in dance. I’ve always been kind of obsessed with magazines, and so I thought I’d transform my degree into magazines. I started applying for jobs in the fashion industry in New York. I had actually never been to New York before I moved here.
CS: What was it like when you first found a job in the fashion industry?
AW: At first, I just had a three-month unpaid internship. None of the internships in the fashion industry are ever paid, so it’s kind of hard. But I talked to my mom, and I was just like, “I’ll get a second job. I’ll do whatever it takes.” I was actually visiting my best friend in New York and scheduled an interview. I got the internship on the spot and I just never went home. I lived out of a suitcase for about two and a half months.
CS: What exactly does your job entail?
AW: My official title is director of fashion. I work alongside Valentina. I manage the business side and help to manage everything. It’s kind of funny, because my degree has nothing to do with business. I think a lot of the fashion industry is learning as you go, though. No day is the same. The fashion industry is a tough one. People think it’s all glamorous with fashion and runway shows. The end result is always satisfying, though.
CS: What is your favorite part of your job?
AW: One, on the day-to-day basis, is meeting people. I have met some of the most incredible, inspiring people. I’ve worked with celebrities, and they are all just normal people. It’s so incredible. They work just as hard as everybody else, if not harder. My other favorite part is doing photo shoots. I think my favorite experience, though, was New York Fashion Week. I don’t think I slept for about four months, but it was so worth it.
CS: Do you have any advice for students who are looking to enter the fashion industry?
AW: Honestly, I would say just go for it and do whatever you can to make it happen. Work your hardest and try your best, and it will happen. I had just graduated. I had no money saved. A lot of people doubted me, my friends, some of my family. They were all just like, “This is crazy. She’ll be back here soon. She won’t last in New York.” I love New York, and I love everything about it. It’s so easy when you graduate from Auburn to settle and to move to a city close by. It’s what’s comfortable. The biggest thing is to step outside your comfort zone.

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