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A spirit that is not afraid

City Council discusses spay and neuter initiative

Auburn, Opelika and other Lee County citizens may be given the opportunity to have their animals spayed and neutered for $5-10 with a new initiative proposed at the City Council meeting Tuesday, Feb. 2. 

Robert Ham, Lee County commissioner for District 4, proposed an initiative that would decrease the amount of animals in local shelters. 

The initiative was originally founded and tested in Limestone County, where it proved successful in reducing the amount of homeless animals. 

According to Ham, those interested in the procedure would fill out an application and once submitted, receive a voucher that would allow for the procedure to be performed at approved veterinarian facilities around the Auburn and Opelika area. 

The procedure would cost $5 for cats and $10 for dogs. 

The program's process would be evaluated yearly and a decision of whether to continue implementing the program would be made. The council agreed to discuss the initiative at the next meeting. 

In a follow-up from the last meeting, a unanimous decision to amend Chapter 12, Article 13 of the city code was made. 

The ordinance to increase the fees for wheel locking to a maximum of $50 was agreed upon by the council. 

Because of the tight spaces in parking decks and apartment complexes, towing is now not the most preferred method of enforcing parking regulations. This amendment will be a more affordable method of handling infractions. 

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