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A spirit that is not afraid

Cooking with Anne: cheesy spaghetti squash

Something I still crave as a 21-year-old is mac and cheese. However, the amount of calories in your average bowl and mac and cheese is just not worth it to me.

I discovered this amazing alternate recipe a few months ago after my mom told me about spaghetti squash. At first I thought there was no way it could taste good, or relatively like real pasta. But then I tried it.

Spaghetti squash has a bit of a different texture than regular pasta, but when you top it with pasta sauce or cheese, it's quite hard to taste a difference at all.

My favorite way to eat spaghetti squash it to just top it with cheese and call it a day— it tastes so much like mac and cheese it's ridiculous.

This recipe for my "mac and cheese" is around 400 calories for the whole thing, and feeds two people. So, as always, is perfect for meal prepping or cooking for your significant other.


1 whole large spaghetti squash 

2 tsp salt

2 tsp pepper

2 tsp garlic powder

2 cups shredded mozzarella 


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