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Letters to the Editor

Bring back program to help campus kitties

Editor, The Auburn Plainsman:

I'm writing because there is a situation on campus that I would like to address. The University used to have a program called "Cat-Nap".

That program would capture the feral cats on campus, give them check-ups to make sure they were healthy, and then either spay or neuter them and return them to where they were found.

I know several people like myself and my husband that purchases cat food and feeds various cats on campus. I believe that some people got cat food from the vet school under this program.

All that was asked of you was to let them know if the cat(s) you were feeding got sick so they could be picked up and treated.

This program doesn't exist on campus any more. That means there will be a lot more cats having kittens with no one making sure they are healthy or taken care of. You can tell a cat-nap cat because one of the ears are clipped.

We actually adopted a cat-nap cat, and back last year we found one close to the stadium that wasn't in the program that we took in.

Our vet said that he was between 8 - 12 weeks old and weighed only 1 pound.

He was starving to death! These cats are helpful to the university by keeping rats/vermin away.

As far as I know, the cats on campus don't bother anything. There is a need for the program to come back. Auburn University is known for the wonderful veterinary school, but we are neglecting our feline residents.

I hope that someone will see the need and get this wonderful program started back.

Gwen Kirk

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