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A spirit that is not afraid

AU Sailing Club Invites Students to Come Sail Away


Setting sail for college has never been quite so literal until now. The Auburn Sailing Club is currently recruiting crew members for the fall of 2009.

The AUSC is open to members of any skill level. Some members have little to no prior sailing experience.

"It really is just easier to throw everyone on a boat with someone who has sailed before and teach them how to do it directly," said Walter McAndrew, a sophmore in wildlife biology and club member.

This more relaxed side of the club is referred to as the cruising club which is geared specifically toward teaching new students how to sail.

"It is very relaxed and just a good way to hang out, and it's a great way to relax and forget about school for a little while," said club president, or commodore, Sammy Hodges.

In addition to teaching new sailers, the club is working to improve the skills of many of its seasoned members.

"We like to have fun, but we are also very competitive," said Nick Orleans, a junior in political science and club member.

The team competes with the Southeastern Intercollegiate Sailing Association in races called regattas across the Southeast.

The racing team previously did not compete as much because it was so far away from most of its competition, Hodges said.

"We were in a district with Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado," Hodges said. "That is why I have moved us to the South Atlantic district with the Carolinas, Tennessee and Georgia where I hope to go to a lot more competitions this year and get experience for the club."

The semester dues for membership are $30, and in order to join, all prospective members must fill out four forms.

All of these forms cam be found on the club's Web site,

In addition to the forms and dues, each member must have the AU Club Sports Medical Insurance coverage, which costs $40.

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