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Movie Review: Sex and the City 2 Lacks Sex- and the City, Too

The girls are back and as fabulous as ever. However, the viewer should be warned the movie pales in comparison to its prequel and the television series.

The first movie was a hit because it was a continuation of the show, but the second installment seemed as if they were out of ideas. They needed a place to send the girls, so they drew names of places out of a hat and ended up with a vacation to Abu Dhabi.

The characters are still just as lovable as they've always been, but this movie shows the other side of their seemingly perfect lives.

Charlotte spends the majority of the movie in tears over how hard motherhood is. Miranda is miserable at her job. Samantha is going through menopause. And, of course, there's more drama between Carrie and Mr. Big.

The previews give away the majority of the plot. But in contrast to how the previews made it appear, some of the most beloved characters only appear in cameos. The movie actually focuses more on the trip to Abu Dhabi, and the girls are in New York for probably less than 15 minutes of the two-hour-long movie.

Furthermore, while the audience would expect Samantha to have some new eye-candy as suggested in the previews, she only has a couple brief escapades.

It is clear that Sex and the City 2 had a "women's rights" agenda. While the intention seemed to be good, it was almost offensive to Middle Eastern women. They mocked the veils worn by women in Abu Dhabi and did a less than adequate job trying to explain the reasoning for various beliefs.

What's more, the movie wasn't filmed in Abu Dhabi, but rather in Morocco, as Abu Dhabi objected to having their country affiliated with the movie's title, according to

Being as such, it could be understandably offensive for the characters to make a trip to Abu Dhabi, a country which clearly didn't want to be associated with the movie. Why not just have the characters actually go to Morocco?

While in America, the girls' fashion choices would have been applauded, but were insensitive to the religious beliefs of people of Abu Dhabi.

That aside, the clothes themselves were phenomenal, as always.

As detailed above, there are various problems with the movie. But it is still worth going to the theater to see. The dialogue is witty, though sometimes bordering on cheesy. As long as it's viewed with the understanding that this movie's purpose is just to show audiences a good time, it is a great viewing experience.

It'll make you smile, make you laugh, make you tear up and even make you cheer. It's one of those movies that consumes you, making you feel like you're right there with the girls.

On a side note, girls, this is a movie that you may want to let your boyfriend stay home for. Unless he happens to be a fan of the show, I doubt he would find the plot enjoyable. However, he may be interested in the almost ridiculous amount of boobage going on.

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