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A spirit that is not afraid

Your View: Muslims, Christians should realize, respect religious commonalities

Editor, The Auburn Plainsman

I am writing in response to the letter last week from Mr. Anderson implying that the president of the United States is a Muslim, that The New York Times is complicit in covering up the true faith of the president and that the innermost desire of Muslims worldwide is to decimate all non-Muslim life on earth.

Although I support the right of the author to his opinion, we as a University community also have the right to stand up in the face of unfair or otherwise unwarranted accusations, whether related to the personal faith of one person or to the global faith of millions.

Muslims, Jews and Christians believe we are all children of the same mortal father, Adam.

Therefore, we all consider ourselves sons of Adam.

This is a simple lesson, but one that we probably need to be reminded of from time to time.

I invite all those in our community who would teach others about Islam, for the sake of their own credibility, to first learn about Islam for themselves, or at least to take the time to ask a Muslim regarding their perspective.

As a Muslim, my belief is defined by the Oneness of God, not the killing of innocent people of any faith.

The Islamic belief in One God echoes the fundamental principle stated in the First Commandment, which we believe was given to Moses, and which all of us--Muslims, Christians and Jews--hopefully try to remember, celebrate and put into practice.

If history gives any indication, it is not our common belief in One God that has caused the terrible atrocities committed in the name of religion on all sides, rather it is misinformation and intolerance stemming from a basic fear of cross-cultural diversity and the possibility, however remote, that we might be enlightened by someone different from ourselves.

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