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A spirit that is not afraid

Beauty of fall on sale Saturday


The Auburn Beautification Council will host a plant sale Oct. 1 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Dean Road Recreation Center.

"We will have a great selection of fall plants like violas, mums and kale," said Becky Richardson, director of parks and recreation for the City of Auburn. "We'll also have decorative color bowls and small hanging baskets of pansies."

Richardson said the plants will cost between $6 and $14, depending on the size and planter.

"The proceeds from this sale will go toward beautification efforts mobilized by the Auburn Beautification Council," said Meg Rainey, public relations specialist for the City of Auburn Parks and Recreation Department.

Rainey said such beautification efforts for the city include the maintenance of the 20 hanging baskets downtown and the Rouse-Corely Garden at Kiesel Park.

"The proceeds of this sale will also go toward the council's Loveliest Village Award," Rainey said. "This recognizes individuals and businesses who maintain attractive landscapes and act as an inspiration to the community."

Richardson said some of the sale's profit will go toward a fund for the Spring Azalea Tour.

"This is an annual tour that takes place each spring," Richardson said. "It is a self-guided tour of springtime gardens and yards of Auburn presented by the council."

Rainey said the reception among Auburn homeowners has been positive.

"In past years, this has been a very popular sale," Rainey said. "It's a great opportunity for people to stock up for their fall planting."

Richardson said although University faculty members frequent the sale each year, few students have attended in the past.

"This is probably because most of the plants we sell have to be planted and take a good bit of effort to maintain," said Peggy McDonald, public relations representative for the Auburn Beautification Council. "However, the hanging baskets would be a perfect addition to any porch or balcony since they only require water and sunshine."

McDonald said she would love to see more students get involved with keeping Auburn beautiful.

Richardson said the beautification council hasworked and will continue to work with the city.

Rainey said funding for such beautification efforts comes from the council's various projects.

"We depend on profits made from events such as this plant sale and from courteous donations," Rainey said.

For more information or to volunteer with the Auburn Beautification Council, visit the website at or call 334-844-2930.

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