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A spirit that is not afraid

Your view: 'Bonner's column on OWS illustrates lazy thinking and poor reasoning'

It is fine to criticize the Occupy Wall Street movement for its demands.

But Elizabeth Bonner's column last week was a poor excuse for an opinion piece; deliberately misunderstanding OWS, then going on to criticize the movement based on those foolish notions.

She goes on to petulantly accuse Occupy protesters of being anti-capitalist and jealous of the 1 percent. I wondered if she was serious or just being deliberately and cynically ignorant.

A little bit of research would have made a big difference in her column, but it seems that she just regurgitated the same tired conservative talking points being echoed by low-information mouthpieces across the media landscape.

Is she not aware of the 40 year trend toward wealth disparity in the United States? Does she really think advocating raising taxes just a few percent on folks who make over $1 million per year is an assault on capitalism? Is she really so unaware of the history of U.S. tax policy?

In her column, Ms. Bonner came across as either too lazy to do the research it takes to form a solid opinion or deliberately and cynically ignorant.

The Plainsman and its readers were ill served by such a poor opinion piece.

Greg Schmidt

Librarian II

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