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A spirit that is not afraid

Gnu's Room to host Taste of Spain

Looking for a way to spice up your Saturday night? Look no further.

The Gnu's Room is opening its doors at 7 p.m. Saturday for Diana Renfro, Auburn alumna and author of "Spanish Doors: A Journey Through Spain" who will share with attendees a "Taste of Spain."

"She contacted us and said she would like to bring this experience to the Gnu's Room," said owner Tina Tatum. "We're always eager to support local, state and regional authors, and it sounded like a really fun event."

Renfro, an Opelika native who currently resides on a farm in Grassy Creek, N.C., received her master's degree from Florida State University in foods and nutrition.

"Spanish Doors," her first novel, was made possible through a regional artist program grant from the Charlotte Mecklenburg Arts and Science Council and a grant from the North Carolina Arts Council.

"I believe her novel encompasses some personal experiences, especially her pilgrimage to Spain," Tatum said.

The reading will be accompanied with Spanish tapas prepared by Gnu's Room chef Galen Haggerty, who Tatum describes as "a wonderful chef all-around."

"In addition to talking about her book, Diana is going to bring some photographs and some of the elements of the Spanish culture to the Gnu's Room," Tatum said. "She will even demonstrate some Spanish customs."

The customs include a porron and queimada, both Tatum admitted she "had to Google."

"A porron is a glass bottle with a round bottom and a long, skinny neck," Tatum said. "They serve wine in it, and you have to lift it up and tilt it at just the right angle so you don't spill it all over yourself. It's a community way of drinking wine together. Everyone uses the same thing because nothing touches your mouth.

"A queimada is a little ceramic pot on legs. You put grape skins, coffee beans and wine in this receptacle and you set fire to it. (Renfro) said it takes about 10 minutes to burn off, and then everyone gets to sample the wine that's left in this little receptacle ... I told her we might have to step outside to light the fire."

Tatum said she is excited for what she believes will be a "special evening."

"It's free food and free fun, she said. "If someone wants to buy a book, that'd be awesome. But she is mainly coming to share her experiences and give everyone a sampling of Spanish culture.

"We encourage the students, faculty and community to take part because it is great information and entertainment and we just hope people take advantage of it."

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