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A spirit that is not afraid

Editorial: The end of the line

(Rachel Suhs / DESIGN EDITOR)
(Rachel Suhs / DESIGN EDITOR)

We love to root for the underdog; to root for those who stand up against seemingly impossible odds. At The Plainsman, we have a special place in our hearts for anyone who fights for their right to be heard.
Since the middle of the 2012 spring semester, employees of Groome Transportation, the company contracted to run Tiger Tranist, have allegedly suffered under unethical and unfair business practices. Drivers have reported wage cuts, lack of proper benefits and unnecessarily long working hours with no overtime.
Although Groome has not admitted to the absence of benefits and wage cuts, it did admit to not paying overtime wages. In a Plainsman article published Thursday, June 28, Groome said the cut in overtime is a result of the current economic and business climate.
We think not receiving overtime pay, which is against the law in the state of Alabama, is enough reason alone to justify a strike. In fact, we want to encourage the drivers to continue picketing if their demands are not met. Fighting for well-deserved benefits is more important than some college kids finding a ride to school.
If the small-scale picketing is not effective, you have our support to move on to an all-out stoppage of work. Make your voices loud and your message clear. Do not stop until you are treated fairly and ethically.
\0x1DThe dismal nature of the current economic and business climate does not give any employer the right to treat their employees like they don’t matter. Ridiculous rules and arbitrary policies only demean employees and make employers look cruel. \0x1DThis is a time when we should be helping each other, not sacrificing wages for the sake of profit.
We want to extend a pledge of solidarity to the Tiger Transit drivers taking a stand.
We admire you and what you are trying to accomplish. You, along with anyone else who refuses to be subject to unfair work practices, embody what makes America a truly free country.
Don’t worry about the students. We have your back. We appreciate all the hard work you have done to get us to school and back every day; we appreciate you taking us home when we’ve had a little too much to drink. You are part of the infrastructure that keeps this great university running, and you have earned all our respect.
As long as we are students here, we will never take for granted all your hard work and dedication to the students.

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