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A spirit that is not afraid

Letter to the Editor: A plea to a younger generation to save America

People need to step back and examine how the government is manipulating them into getting what they want. It's almost like women, minorities, and the economically impaired have Stockholm syndrome and the Ruling Class has Boss Hogg Syndrome. The government is using its power in a way that has individual Americans trading their liberties for a promise of being cared for while the plans and laws being passed by both parties in no way provide long term solutions that will actually do what they are sold as.
How in the world have we been led down this path?
Why do we continue to allow it to go on?
Have we gotten to a point that we no longer care about our freedoms and wish to take the easiest road possible in the name of "fairness"?
We need to stand up for who we are as Americans.
Not African, Hispanic, Asian, European Americans--not even Native Americans--Free Americans!
One America that allows people to disagree without being hateful or destructive, one America that understands the value of hard work and free enterprise while holding those accountable for using their political standing to manipulate it, one America that knows and believes in the values of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution while understanding that it's not the Founding Fathers we should embrace but the message they carried with them--that all Men and Women are created equally through the faith that America could be the shining light of Liberty through the provision of free will by our creator.
Can we, will we see it for what it is or allow others to recreate those words by stating that those men were imperfect and they shouldn't be allowed to guide a nation's founding?
It's not the men who created the Federalist Papers or the Declaration of Independence that we should focus on!
They were in some cases men who didn't see beyond their current times. It's the ideals that those documents portray.
A true, Representative Republic, elected by the people and for the people, with an Executive Branch to oversee the country and answer to the body of Representatives, and a Judicial branch that is impartial and steadfast in protecting the Constitution and the laws passed by Congress.
Instead, over time, the people of the United States have allowed people to chip, chip, chip away until we have just a fraction of a Republic left.
Where is our resolve?
Where is our honest heart?
I can only hope that the generation coming up today sees our failures and looks to the beginning to right our bearing and chart a course for a better tomorrow.

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