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A spirit that is not afraid

Letter to the editor: My tribute to Philip Lutzenkirchen

For the past 6 months, Phil worked for me as a financial advisor trainee. During that time, I got to know him on a deep level as we often discussed life, his faith, and his career. I have read all the articles, watched all the videos, etc... I write this because I want to share the real Phil that I saw and witnessed every day. He was way more than just a football player.
It all truly starts with his heart. Sure, he needed a career and a way to earn a living. But, more than anything he desperately wanted to help people. It was one of the first things he stressed to me when we first began talking about career options. He truly wanted to help athletes preserve their wealth and more importantly to share his faith along the way. Over the last few months, I personally saw and witnessed him go out of his way to help people. Even when we were in airports, restaurants, most anywhere he would literally have his eyes and ears open to the plight of others. People would often come up and ask for a picture and afterwards he would look at me say "I still don't know why someone would want a picture with me." I mean of course he got it and knew why, but on a deeper level his extreme sense of humility is what prompted the question. I will never forget the time we were in Scottsdale to see Huddy at a spring game (he looked up to Tim and Kim sooo much!!) and we entered the stadium and Fergie Jenkins was there.
Phil didn't have a lot of money. But, he didn't care, he was going to buy a signed baseball for his Dad (he loved him incredibly). Like a little boy, he was so excited to buy that ball - for his Daddy! In fact, I am in awe at the closeness of his family. They all had such an incredible bond - a real model for us all. When I spoke with his father yesterday, he must have told me at least three times "hug your kids, hug your kids. You never know when it will be the last time." I can't even fathom the pain Mike and Mary must have right now. I pray they are comforted by the outpouring of love that Phil so strongly believed in - LOVE!
Through all of our time together, behind closed doors we talked intimately about life and Jesus. I want everyone to know that his faith was absolutely astounding. It was as real as the game winning touchdown in the Iron Bowl!
We all know that whenever something tragic like this happens, rarely is a bad word ever said. In Phil's case, every single thing written about him is not enough.
I have been in business 25 years. All this time, I thought maybe I was mentoring him. Little did I know that it was the other way around. It is incredibly difficult to go in the office and know he's not there. All of us at our office have a huge hole in our hearts and dealing with this loss has been especially painful. But, at the same time, we are so grateful. God graced me, my partners, and employees with Phil and I am going to miss him dearly.
I am comforted, though, that last Tuesday, before I went out of town, we talked for over an hour about life, career, etc. and before long, the conversation led to his faith and how confident he was that God had a plan for his life. Little did I know at the time what that would be. I can't understand why this happened. But, I have to stand with Phil on this one - to trust and believe that somehow it's all part of a bigger, more grand plan by the master. That's what Phil believed and because of that so will I.

Carl "Brandt" McDonald, Jr. - Auburn Alumnus '89
Lutzenkirchen's former boss at McDonald, Barranco & Hagen Wealth Management

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