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A spirit that is not afraid

Supporters fight frigid temperatures at Auburn for Bernie march

Despite the 30-degree weather and blistering cold winds, some Auburn citizens were "feeling the Bern" this Saturday, Jan. 23. 

While many were cuddled up inside, Auburn's Bernie Sanders supporters took to the streets to show their support for the campaign and spread awareness about important issues. Approximately 70 people were seen marching through the city, waving support signs and talking to those outside.  

Jesse Smith, a congressional candidate for the 3rd District, attended the march supporting Sanders. 

Smith said there is a coalition of Sanders supporters in Auburn, and that should not be overlooked. According to Smith, the weather and the turnout spoke louder than those marching. 

"It was below freezing, and we still had an amazing turnout," Smith said. "It shows that weather can't stop people from fighting for what they believe in." 

Beginning at Pebble Hill, marchers made their way through downtown Auburn. 

William Pendleton, senior at Auburn High School, participated in the march and commented on the importance of the event.

"Here in Alabama, voters are one side of the other, but they don't know the candidates or the issues," Pendleton said. "That's what we wanted to make people aware of." 

Participants of all ages were engaged and welcomed to participate in the event. 

According to Dana Trentalange, the Montgomery office manager for the Bernie 2016 campaign, the Auburn for Bernie march was one of many around the country, including collegial support marches at the University of Mobile and University of Montevallo. 

With headquarters in Birmingham and Montgomery, Sanders supporters from all over Alabama are being given an opportunity to get involved in the campaign. 

According to Trentalange, the campaign offices will be setting up phone banks and bringing in interns to further include the community. 

After the march, the group congregated to rest its legs and watch a live stream where Sanders thanked and encouraged his supporters around the United States.

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