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A guide on how to spring into a fresher diet

Spring into a fresh diet

The spring season, which lasts from the beginning of March to the end of June, is considered the first season of the calendar year and marks the first noticeable shift in weather as days become longer and warmer.

Spring carries with it a feeling of rejuvenation and energy and an abundance of fresh produce.

Spring offers people the opportunity to refresh and lighten up their diets with healthier lifestyles.

According to, with more time spent outside under the sun, less time will be spent inside cooking. 

So put away the slow cooker and use faster cooking tools such as salad bowls and steamers, and expirience the benefits of spring foods. 

During spring, the liver and gall bladder are most sensitive, so it seems like the right time to cleanse, according to

The sour flavor found in fruits, such as lemons and limes, stimulates the liver and gall bladder.

Bitter-flavored foods such as rye, radicchio and chamomile are also beneficial, as they have a great effect on the liver.

Sweet flavor is abundant in the spring in sweeteners such as real maple syrup and raw honey.

Fresh fruits flourish in the spring, and local farmers markets start to pop up. According to, fresh strawberries are in peak season from mid-April to early June.

According to, it is significant to know vegetable juices are much healthier to consume than fruit juices.

It is important to eat fruit whole in order to get fiber rather than just consuming the fructose, which can form internal fat around organs.

Spring is the perfect time for garden-fresh vegetables and fast growing plants, including asparagus, artichokes, rhubarb, sprouts, wheat grass and barley green.

According to, dark leafy greens, cabbage and broccoli are valuable in the spring because they help the digestion of meat and fatty foods, which might have been consumed in large amounts during the winter season.

In exchange for heavy creamy sauces and dressings used during the winter season, use lighter ones with ingredients such as orange juice, raw honey, mustard and extra-virgin olive or flax oil.

Also, fresh herbs such nettle, dandelion, black pepper, parsley and rosemary are perfect to cook with for springtime health, according to

Amanda can be reached at

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