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A spirit that is not afraid

Students get fired up at Ignite Auburn 2016

Auburn University’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes hosted the sixth annual Ignite Auburn.

The night was filled with praise and worship, while Louie Giglio, pastor at Passion City Church in Atlanta, placed a fire within the hearts of Auburn students. Giglio was also in the presence of the Passion City Band along with Christian rap artist Trip Lee.

Chette Williams, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Director at Auburn and the football chaplain, said he wanted to ignite a flame on Auburn’s campus. 

He brought leaders within Auburn as well as several football players to the event to show how this event is impacting our campus. Jay Jacobs, director of athletics, was also present to introduce Giglio and the Passion City Band.

Giglio spoke to Auburn students about finding their relationship with Christ. He said it is more than knowing God on paper, but rather creating a personal connection to him. 

Giglio spoke about his journey as a 20 year old taking a road trip and as he prepared his trip on paper, nothing compared to the real experience when he finally reached the places he read about. For him, the same idea goes for our relationship with God.

“The message tonight really resonated with me,” said Alexis Bruton, sophomore in fitness conditioning and performance. “In college especially we always need to improve our relationship with God.”

College students often are unknown of the future, and don’t always know what is in store for them Giglio said. 

Giglio reminded every student tonight that he also was unsure about where his life would go, however he put his relationship with God before all else, and since then great things have happened in his life.

The night ended with Christian rap artist, Trip Lee, performing a concert. Lee shared his testimony with the audience.

“Once I got saved around 14 I focused everything in my life on God,” Lee said.

Similar to Giglio, once he performed this act, aspects of his life took shape. He concentrated on Christian rap and since then has become successful in the Christian music industry.

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