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A spirit that is not afraid

COLUMN: Style is about watching and learning

The concept of individuality is drilled by society into the noggins of an upcoming generation from the moment they are able to decide how they'd like to build their block tower. 

Being an individual versus slipping by amongst the masses has become the ultimate achievement, a feat that many aspire to conquer. 

This attention to personal image and presentation is necessary in today's society, as we are responsible for our lasting impact on those around us. 

At the same time, the message has been stressed to an extreme. It implies looking to others for comparison and can lead to self-doubt and other negative feelings towards oneself. 

I'd like to be the first to say, look around my friends. Observe your surroundings and soak up as much diversity and influence as you possibly can.  

It's not a game of compare and contrast, but observe and absorb. Looking to others in adoration shouldn't decrease our sense of self-worth, but instill a drive to excel in life, presentation and personal growth. 

The United States is a country of many cultures connected and reachable by car or train. We are beyond lucky to have access to a plethora of ideas that could change our perspective at the drop of a dime. 

Style is an ideal that's rapidly grown from a symbol of status to an emblem of personality and human nature. Observing those that strut past us on the street or down an empty hall is an eye-opening method of self-reflection and exploration. 

What you may be unable to find in yourself immediately, you might find in your next door neighbor's form of expression through style. 

There is a theme of observation and attention to differences throughout this issue. From the West Coast beaches to the style franchises right outside our front door, we have the opportunity to prosper through change and advancement. 

Accepting other's unique qualities can, in return, shed light on the deep-seated qualities we possess and should be prideful of. Without those around us, we would cease to adapt, change and grow. 

You are unaware of when someone might be learning from you, so put on a show. 

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