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A spirit that is not afraid

Michelle Teslik / WRITER

The Auburn Plainsman

Soothing Sunburns With Homemade Aloe, Tomatoes

As people put away scarves and change into spring clothes, skin hidden for months is exposed to the sun's harmful radiation and burned before the warm weather has a chance to settle in.As a cure, Lane Vines, senior in English, said her mother once made her take a bath in vinegar to take the sting out of a sunburn."You stink for days, though," Vines said.Noxema was a favorite of Vine's family for helping ease the pain of the burn."I drink lots of water and use a lot of lotion to help it peel less," said Madeline Goodman, senior in early childhood education.


Beer Drinkers Hop Up To Talk About Flavors

Google "beer terminology" and the results will pull hundreds of beer dictionaries associated with beer flavors.Two well-known beer flavors are "light" and "dark."Ask a frequent beer drinker which one they prefer and they will likely answer right away.Ben Clayton, junior in psychology, prefers light beer."I like India pale ales," Clayton said.

The Auburn Plainsman

Females Take Over Theater

A shortage in male actors has left the next Auburn theater production solely to the ladies.Monica Bland, senior in stage management and director of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing," adapted the play herself from Judy Blume's book."I sat down last Christmas and turned it into a play," Bland said.

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