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A spirit that is not afraid

Communication is The Key

We have all been told that communication can make or break a relationship right? Ask any couple and they will tell you that a relationship without communication can quickly go to relation sh... you get it.

Let's step outside the realm of dating relationships and into our relationships with friends and peers. We communicate or talk with them about different topics everyday. From who won the Braves game last night, to what Obama said in his podcast address this week, it's safe to say we communicate about "stuff" a lot more than we can count or keep up with.

In our country today it seems we are all torn on what to believe about different issues such as abortion, gay marriage or how to help our economy. We have one side saying one thing and the other side saying that it's wrong. Where is the compromise? Stated better, and where the issue lies, is there any acknowledgment of opposing views? It seems that as soon as something is brought up that we disagree with, our immediate response is to either say or think it's wrong.

I guess my rhetorical question is what makes us afraid to admit something is different? I asked a friend of mine, who happens to be a girl soon to be married to her boyfriend of several years, in "girl world" what does it mean when a boyfriend doesn't communicate.

After assuring me how great her boyfriend was, she said that she and her friends have talked about this and decided it's laziness and insecurity (I'll give this one to you ladies). I really couldn't argue for the guys, but I agreed with her in relation to what I'm asking. We have to admit that we at times can be a lazy society. Many of us take everything we hear as fact without every questioning its legitimacy.

Taking a look back in history we can see that doing that has dug some really big holes to climb out of. We are almost insulting ourselves by making ourselves so simple and vulnerable to the media, whose intentions may or may not be honest.

However, I think the problem lies deeper within our psychological makeup. I think the words insecurity and fear are the best places to start. Fear has been a catalyst for some of the worst events in human history. Fear can quickly close our eyes and ears to anything that might shatter the temporary support we feel. I think ultimately we feel it's easier to cover our ears and keep repeating our own personal mantra continuously. However, how does that hurt the spread of ideas and ultimately the evolution of our society? Can we ever grow?

So I propose this week's challenge. Find someone who feels differently about something and just talk. Search on the Web for something concerning an issue that interests you and write to me about it if you want.

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