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A spirit that is not afraid

Schierholz earns Equestrian MVP

Junior Hunt Seat rider Anna Schierholz started the 2009-2010 season with a bang.

She competed in equitation over fences in both meets against Texas Christian University and Southern Methodist University Friday.

In the first meet, against TCU, Schierholz defeated her opponent 90-73, 10 points away from a perfect score, earning MVP honors.

The MVP repeated her performance against SMU, downing her Mustang opponent 85-80.

Schierholz said being on the equestrian team is about much more than the meets and the MVPs.

"I love the connection between horse and rider," Schierholz said. "It is completely different than any other sport, in that you need the cooperation of a 2,000-pound animal to succeed."

The St. Louis native, and diehard Cardinals fan, has been riding horses for 15 years.

Entering her third year as a member of the Auburn equestrian team, Schierholz said their team is different than any other team in the nation.

"The sense of pride that Auburn Equestrian has is different than other teams," Schierholz said. "We work unbelievably hard and take pride in that work."

Being a part of the Auburn family is also important to Schierholz.

"We also strive to be just like any other athletic team on campus, as Auburn athletes, not just horseback riders," Schierholz said.

She said the individual competition is fine, but she enjoys being part of such a close-knit team.

"I love that we are a very close team and would do anything for each other," Schierholz said.

Being able to lean on her teammates during a meet isn't always enough for Schierholz.

"I ride with a bracelet that I've had since I was five in my left pocket and a peppermint in my right pocket," Schierholz said. "Also, the socks that I wear under my boots are the same pair that I wore when we won the national championship in 2008."

Winning is expected on the equestrian team, as a team and individually.

"I would like to make it to individual nationals, while at the same time helping the team to win another national championship," Schierholz said.

She hopes more students will come to meets this season to support the equestrian team.

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"The Auburn Horse Center is located just down Wire from new row across from the Vet school," Schierholz said.

Equestrian meets are free to everyone, and students can earn two Auburn Ignited points for attending the matches.

"We have an All Auburn All Orange meet coming up against Texas A&M Friday, Oct. 16, and we need everyone's support to beat the Aggies," Schierholz said. "We also have free pony rides for anyone who comes."

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