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A spirit that is not afraid

YOUR VIEW: Reader Pleased With Editorials About Drinking

I was glad to see the staff columns addressing under- age drinking, how to care for drunk people and drunk driving issues.

Considering the number of Auburn students who have died, been injured or been arrested in alcohol related incidents I hope you will continue to address this issue.

You will not reach the people who see nothing wrong with drinking so hard that they are losing more than their memories, but there is value in making your fellow students not feel so isolated or unusual if they choose to abstain from the drunken lifestyle.

It's hard to think of alcoholics as anything other than old, fat, bald men with red noses, but many young, fit, men & women in the bars around town and on the bleachers on gamedays also fit the definition.

I hope The Plainsman will continue to raise awareness of this problem in Auburn and the programs available to students with alcohol issues.

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