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A spirit that is not afraid

YOUR VIEW: Obama, Muslims, media not to be trusted: look here for proof

With all the media hype about whether Obama is Muslim, check out how our "President" has appointed not one, but two Muslims to Homeland Security. (Verification:

If there is ever a case of "sleeping with the enemy," this would have to be it.

I heard two separate clips on radio today (8/19) of Obama being interviewed by Brian Williams of NBC. He twice referenced his "Muslim faith."

Brian Williams quickly interrupted him saying, " mean your Christian faith, don't you?...."

And he responded, "I meant Christian faith."

Additionally, I read a piece published in The New York Times by Nicholas Kristof in March 6, 2007, where he repeated several times, "...the Muslim call to prayer is the one of the prettiest sounds on earth..."

Equally interesting is how The New York Times removed this item from its website in 2008 in an obvious effort to protect Obama from fallout.

These items come on the heels of Obama's deliberate hostility toward Israel while chumming up to the Iranians.

Yet, he still tries to say he is a Christian. At the risk of sounding archaic, recall the saying, "...if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...." well, you know the rest.

We must ask Almighty God for protection and guidance until this guy is out of office.

I am sure most Americans are now aware that the philosophical basis for the Muslim faith is that ALL infidels must be killed.

The Muslims themselves will tell you that their definition of "infidel" is simply a non-believer, anyone who is not Muslim, you, I and our families & friends.

Please pray for our President and nation.

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