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Your View: IBM may have stolen Auburn prof's patent

Editor, The Auburn


Tech giant IBM has allegedly infringed a patent filed by the James B Davis professor of ECE Adit Singh of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering as part of the research he carried out almost 10 years ago with his then graduate student Thomas Barnett.

The patent in question is about a method to efficiently estimate the reliability of integrated circuits.

The technique on adoption is said to significantly reduce the cost of making chips.

More details about the methods can be found in the patents--7,194,366 and 7,409,306.

Given the high costs involved in filing and battling out a patent suit, AU has been fortunate to get a law firm who has taken up the cause on its behalf.

I think this patent litigation is a testimony of the standard of research carried out at AU by its professors on two counts.

For one, the idea was worthy enough to be appropriated by a company like IBM, which is arguably among the pioneers in the art of integrated circuit making.

Secondly, large law firms have faith in our professors and the worthiness of their research to take the battle all the way to IBM's doorstep.

Suraj Sindia

graduate student, electrical and computer engineering

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