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Your view: Low turnout leaves demand for blood high after finish of NBDM

National Blood Donor Month is over, but we still need blood!

After reading articles about the recent tornadoes and blood shortage it saddens me that we aren't helping out more. While we seem to be doing a good job of donating clothes, food, etc; the most important thing to donate is blood.

I know some people can't donate, but for the people who can--why aren't they? American Red Cross put together the top 10 reasons people don't donate blood, and most of them are pretty poor excuses.

"I don't like needles." I think these people should try putting themselves in the other person's shoes--the person in need of the blood.

Giving blood (the actual donation part) only takes about 5 minutes. Anyone can feel uncomfortable for 5 minutes to save someone's life.

"I am too busy." While the whole process takes about an hour, that is still not too much time to sacrifice to save lives.

The last reason I found absurd: "No one ever asked me to give blood." I am asking you now. Cancer patients, transplant patients, people in accidents, people hurt from tornadoes, and many more people need blood, all the time.

According to the Association of Donor Recruitment Professionals, "Blood is traditionally in short supply during the winter months due to the holidays, travel schedules, inclement weather and illness. January has been designated as National Blood Donor Month to encourage donors to give blood."

It may be uncomfortable, but not for long. You may be busy, but not too busy. You may not have been asked, but now you have.

Maggie Kessler

Realtor, Cahaba Real Estate

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