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A spirit that is not afraid

Hunger U Tour visits Auburn's campus

One in six people in the United States go hungry every night, according to Mollie Dykes, mobile marketing representative with the Hunger U Tours.
The Hunger U Tours travel form campus to campus visiting with college students, to bring awareness about the worldwide hunger crisis.
"All of us at universities across the nation may not realize the person siting beside us in a class doesn't know where their next meal is coming from, and that is really sad for me," Dykes said. "I went to a great huge university and I didn't realize until I joined this organization that there were quite a few people at my own university that didn't have a meal."
The Spring 2014 tour kicked off at Auburn University February 27 and will last until February 29.
The Hunger U Tour bus will be set up on the green space form 9 am to 3pm and is open to anyone who is interested.
Anna Leigh Peek, senior in agriculture communications, attended the event and believes Auburn has done a good job at raising awareness for hunger.
"I understand the importance of farming," Peek said. "If we don't have people growing our food for our nation, then we will have more hungry people. I definitely want to be involved in helping relieve hunger by growing food and by helping other people understand the importance of agriculture and of hunger issues."
This organization sets them apart from other organizations because they focus on promoting the hunger facts for students, asserted Dykes.
"You can't bring any change if they don't know the problem is there," Dykes said. "We just try to inspire some forward action and hopefully they will step up and do something, whether that is donating to a local food drive, joining their campus kitchen, or maybe doing something as large as the peace core. Every little step will help with this crisis."
Sarah Templin, freshman in political science and economics, agrees that hunger is a big issue people need to come to terms with.
"We go about our days eating and not really being aware that other people don't have food, Templin said. "Having constant awareness will make people more likely to help the cause."

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