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A spirit that is not afraid



COLUMN | The philosophy of ghosting

Ghosting is the quickest way out of any situation, but have you ever wondered where it comes from? Whether you are the victim or the perpetrator, you can learn many lessons about what it means to be human from this online practice. Even though we live in a world permeated by screens, we must consider the internal values that our online behavior conveys. 

Influenced Graphic

COLUMN | Are we too Influenced?

Consumerism seems to be taking over people's minds and behavior patterns. It's high time we consider the meanings of these little actions that add up to something big. We don't think about it all that often, but are we too influenced by the world of social media and its influencers? 

COLUMN | Why does Halloween affect people?

COLUMN | Halloween can negatively affect mental health

Halloween is a fun holiday where people explore and experiment with bad, good and disguise. However, this holiday can have extremely negative affects on mental health. It's important to acknowledge the affects of our actions and thoughts when we partake in the All Hallows' Eve festivities. 

Construction Update: Camp War Eagle

COLUMN | Sustainability on a construction-heavy campus

Auburn University is no stranger to sustainability and its ability to positively impact our everyday lives, but students and members of Auburn’s community might find it difficult to believe in our ability to make positive environmental change when all we can see is the constant, industrialized construction.