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A spirit that is not afraid

Yes, I'm a Facebook junkie

People are fascinating to me.

I love to sit on campus benches to people watch and occasionally I'll sit behind two friends on the transit to listen to what they found interesting that day. But my absolute favorite thing to do is to stalk someone on Facebook.

I could have three tests in one week and I'm going to find some way to be on Facebook for at least an hour before I start studying for the first one.

There's just no way I can navigate around the Internet without clicking my handy-dandy Facebook tab and finding out who's wall my best friend from Georgia is writing on.

I have no idea what interests me in so many other people's lives, but there's just something about being able to know what someone's been up to without them having a clue.

Who doesn't love keeping in touch without having the long phone calls?

It's not the fact that I'm being sneaky, that's for sure. I always bring up the most random Facebook information I learn in conversation whenever I can ... and trust me it's awkward, but sometimes it feels like people cause Facebook drama just for me to read.

Most of the time I find useless information. Who's dating whom, who's suddenly single and who just got a new sparkly ring on their left ring finger. It's never life changing, but I always find it interesting. Creepy or not, I can find out what's happening in my friends lives one way or another.

The latest thing for me to look at is my three best friends from home all writing on each other's wall. They got mad at me over Christmas break and they refuse to communicate with me via Facebook (or even the phone), but they are constantly writing on one another's walls sweet messages about how much they loved getting together.

In the instance that I don't go looking for this information, my beloved mini-feed comes to the rescue and reminds me that yes, they are still mad and no, they haven't called back or even Facebook messaged me. I would even settle to discuss the matter over a "face chat" but they refuse.

My new favorite obsession is Jungle Jewels: a game application I got invited to play during Finals that requires focus and determination in order to win, or at least that's all I'll say until you try it...which you should. Surprised it's not Farmville? Well don't be.

I do have enough time to look aimlessly around a Web site in search of the latest gossip, but I don't have time to sit around waiting on rows of pixilated corn to grow.

So feel free to add me as a friend. If I'm super bored I may actually accept and stalk you for a while to find out more about you. Facebook may soon lose its luster, but for now I'll enjoy furthering my procrastination. It's like Bertrand Russell said, "The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

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