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A spirit that is not afraid

Best Halloween tradition growing stale as time passes

I typically start planning my Halloween costume for the upcoming year after the current Halloween festivities. But since being in college, I haven't wanted to dress up. What is this nonsense?

Anyone who has ever met me knows that Halloween is my favorite holiday. I absolutely love everything about it. The 13 Nights of Halloween on ABC Family, haunted houses, Halloween decorations, spooky-themed foods, even that chill that crawls up your spine just before you fall asleep after watching a horror movie. I love it all. More than anything, I love dressing in costume. Or, rather, loved.

Last year I almost refused to dress up at all. My water polo team was competing in a tournament in Atlanta, and the last thing on my mind was what costume I would wear. My friends convinced me that since I'm am a redhead I should go as a leprechaun. Even though I didn't necessarily want to conform to that stereotype, I caved, and a leprechaun I was.

This is the first time I'll be in Auburn for Halloween, and I am beyond excited. I have already decked my apartment out with Halloween decor. I've planned a menu out with lots of creepy delights. I even found a costume for my roommate's dog. There's only one thing missing: What am I supposed to be for Halloween?

What hurts the most is that I don't want to dress up this year. I've bought a costume that I don't even like just so I have something to wear. I'd much rather wear a nice outfit, have people over to celebrate at my apartment and have a good time minus the need to dress in a goofy or overly sexy costume.

When I was younger, I would have a costume planned out a whole year in advance. Now, I'm reluctant to dress up at all. What has happened to me? Where did the youthful, eager, hold-nothing-back attitude I once boasted go?

I sincerely hope this doesn't mean I'm growing up.

Next thing you know, I'll start balancing my checkbook and going to bed at 8 p.m. Maybe I should dress as the hit 1954 Mary Martin version of Peter Pan, because I don't wanna grow up.

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