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A spirit that is not afraid

Hammocks on Campus

Student owned hammocks have become a common sight on Auburn's campus. Slung between trees, these hammocks provide places for students to relax and study outside, and for many student, they are great alternatives to being trapped indoors.

            The problem is that these hammocks are often expensive, which means that not every student is able to fully experience being suspended in a thin nylon sack outside.

            Some colleges have looked to solve this problem by putting public hammocks in popular outdoor spaces on campus.

            Georgia Tech has nine of these public hammocks clustered near the middle of their campus on "Tech Green." They are slung between poles and are free for any Tech student to use.

            According to Georgia Tech Student Kelsey Durick, the only problem is that there aren't enough of them. "I use them when I can," she said, "but they are always busy."

            With so many students already using their own personal hammocks, there is a visible interest in studying outside. An interest that Auburn should notice and encourage with public hammocks of their own.

            By emulating Georgia Tech's example, Auburn could further encourage students to get outside and enjoy a vibrant campus.

            When asked why every campus should have some of these public hammocks Durick simply said, "they encourage students to get outside, and they are a great place to study."

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