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A spirit that is not afraid


The Auburn Plainsman

Music and its effects on studying

Every day, students face a number of distractions competing for their attention at the library or at their respective study place. One tactic students typically use to drown out those distractions is through music, which can be utilized to get a persons focus back on track. However, sometimes that’s not the case.

The Auburn Plainsman

Students organize climbing club team

Two weeks ago, the Auburn Climbing Club officially became a club team. The idea originated last semester when people from Auburn Outdoors, an adventure-based education program at Auburn, realized there was a growing community of climbers at the Recreation and Wellness Center.

The Auburn Plainsman

Men describe spring fashion as cool and comfortable

As the temperature rises, the days get longer, and the clothes get shorter. For men, it is all about being cool and comfortable this spring and summer. Vans, Costa sunglasses, American Fishing Tackle Company fishing shorts and short sleeve polos are a few things you will find men sporting around campus this season.

The Auburn Plainsman

A guide on how to spring into a fresher diet

The spring season, which lasts from the beginning of March to the end of May, is considered the first season of the calendar year and marks the first noticeable shift in weather as days become longer and warmer. Spring carries with it a feeling of rejuvenation and energy, and it is the time to take advantage of the fresh produce that becomes available. Spring offers people the opportunity to refresh and lighten up their diets in creating healthier lifestyles.

The Auburn Plainsman

Breaking down how your campus dollars are spent

It's almost halfway through the semester, and for some, those dining dollars are dwindling. Eating on campus can be convenient and a good way to network with other students, according to Bill Sallustro, resident district manager for Chartwells, the contracted company Auburn University chose to help run Tiger Dining.  Everything cost money these days, and some students feel their meal plan monopoly money gets squandered away within the first months of the semester.